Common Poppy
Papaver rhoeas

The Common Poppy is an unmistakable wildflower and is worn in numerous countries on Remembrance Day to commemorate those who lost their lives during conflict. This scarlet dainty flower appears in vast quantities during the summer months and flourishes in arable fields, field margins and roadsides and disturbed or waste ground. The seeds can lie dormant for many years and then germinate once brought to the surface. The flowers buds are hairy and almost look like they are nodding in the breeze whilst the flower has four large scarlet petals which overlap, each with a black marking at its base. The stamens consist of violet coloured anthers borne on purplish-black filaments and the stigma is a flattened disk with around 8 to 14 rays. The fruit is in the form of a smooth oval capsule, almost like a pepperpot with holes that open below the disk which release the small brown seeds. The oil from the seeds was once used to mix oil paints.